

2021年,塔图阿赫雪茄公司的皮特·约翰逊(Pete Johnson)发布了特制屋顶(Capa Especial)系列的限量版版本,是一款朗斯代尔尺寸的雪茄。如今,他将这个尺寸更换了茄衣烟叶,预计下周向美国的零售商发货。

这款名为特制朗斯代尔阔叶珍藏限量版(Limited Lonsdale Extra Broadleaf Reserva)的雪茄42环径,6.75英寸,盒压造型,尺寸和2021年发布的那款限量版一样。茄衣已经更换为康涅狄格阔叶,2021年用的茄衣是厄瓜多尔苏门答腊烟叶,其余的烟叶是尼加拉瓜烟叶,口味强度中等。该公司称,这次使用的茄衣烟叶已经发酵两年。




In 2021, Pete Johnson of Tatuaje Cigars released a limited-edition version of his Capa Especial blend in a thin size he called the Limited Lonsdale Extra. The cigar has returned with a different wrapper, and is expected to start shipping next week.

Called Limited Lonsdale Extra Broadleaf Reserva, the new, box-pressed smoke measures 6 3/4 inches by 42 ring gauge like the previous release. But Tatuaje has replaced the Ecuador Sumatra wrapper for dark broadleaf from the Connecticut River Valley. The rest of the tobacco is Nicaraguan and the blend is intended to be medium to full-bodied. According to the company, the broadleaf wrapper used here was harvested two years ago.

Shipping in slide-lid boxes of 20, the cigar has a suggested retail price of $11 each. Only 1,500 boxes are being produced.

Like most Tatuaje cigars, the LLE Broadleaf Reserva is made in Nicaragua at My Father Cigars S.A.


关键词: 雪茄