

埃罗阿家族以在洪都拉斯种植烟草而闻名,他们介绍自己的烟草种子来自古巴的科罗霍农场(El Corojo)。今年,C.L.E.雪茄公司的克里斯蒂安·埃罗阿(Christian Eiroa)计划发布一款新产品,这款雪茄使用的烟叶使用了他的祖父杰内罗索(Generoso)在古巴科罗霍的胜利(La Victoria del Corojo)农场种植的烟草种子。

这款雪茄命名为埃罗阿的前20年(Eiroa The First 20 Years),旨在纪念埃罗阿从事雪茄生产20年。下周在阿鲁巴岛举办的美国烟草商协会会议上,这款雪茄将会亮相,只接受TAA零售会员订购。没有去阿鲁巴岛的人们不得不明年再尝试这款雪茄的味道了,这款雪茄要等到2025年年初才能上架。

雪茄是54环径,6英寸,每盒10支装,在美国的售价是每盒166美元。雪茄在洪都拉斯的 C.L.E.工厂卷制,茄芯烟叶里使用了胜利种子种植的烟草。雪茄完全使用洪都拉斯烟叶卷制。

The Eiroa family has built its reputation around Honduran tobacco grown from seeds that they’ve always claimed were from the original El Corojo farm in Cuba. Now, Christian Eiroa of C.L.E. Cigar Co. is releasing a cigar with tobacco that he says was grown with Cuban seeds from La Victoria del Corojo, a Cuban farm once owned by his grandfather, Generoso. 

Called Eiroa The First 20 Years, the cigar celebrates Eiroa’s two decades in the cigar business. It will debut next week at the Tobacconists’ Association of America meeting in Aruba and is exclusive to TAA retail members. Those who don’t make it to Aruba, however, will have to wait until next year to try the new smoke, as the cigar won’t be available until early 2025.

The First 20 Years measures 6 inches by 54 ring gauge and consists entirely of Honduran tobacco. It comes in a 10-count box and will have a suggested retail price of $16.60. The cigar is made in Honduras at the C.L.E. factory, and the tobacco grown from the La Victoria seeds is found in the filler.


关键词: 雪茄