雪茄休息室位于首都利雅得的数字城皇冠假日酒店,参加开业庆祝活动的客人们可以品尝到各种精选的奥利瓦雪茄,比如口味柔和的奥利瓦康涅狄格珍藏系列罗布图,口味浓郁的奥利瓦V系列米拉尼奥鱼雷,后者在2014年被Cigar Aficionado评为年度最佳雪茄。
一直以来奥利瓦公司是国际知名雪茄制造商,2016年被比利时的科特斯公司(J. Cortès Cigars N.V)收购之前已经在很多国家和地区销售。去年11月,奥利瓦雪茄在沙特阿拉伯开始销售。
Oliva Cigars recently celebrated its expansion into Saudi Arabia with a launch event at La Casa Cubana Cigar Lounge located in the Crowne Plaza Hotel Digital City in Riyadh, the country’s capital.
People at the event were able to enjoy a selection of Oliva cigars, the milder Oliva Connecticut Reserve Robusto and the fuller-bodied Oliva Serie V Melanio Figurado, which was crowned Cigar of the Year for 2014 by Cigar Aficionado magazine.
The event, held on January 29, also celebrated the official opening of La Casa Cubana Cigar Lounge at the Crowne Plaza.
Oliva Cigars has long been one of the more internationally minded cigar companies, selling in a host of countries even before it was acquired by Belgium’s J. Cortès Cigars N.V in 2016. Oliva began offering its cigars in Saudi Arabia in November; it’s a country that requires strict, plain packaging regulations on cigars, purposely obscuring the artwork and branding cigar lovers have come to expect when shopping for premium, handmade cigars.