


那是一个辉煌的时代,那时在酒吧里你可以随时点燃一支雪茄。1995年,阿图罗·富恩特(Arturo Fuente)公司推出一款新品雪茄,是在彩虹屋酒吧举办的宣传活动,这个品牌给戴尔·德格罗夫留下深刻的印象。如今,富恩特的巨著X雪茄是他最喜欢的牌子,他最钟意的是巨著X的双皇冠型号。49环径,7.625英寸,全多米尼加烟叶卷制。这款雪茄的售价高达每支100美元。




You probably know Dale DeGroff for his essential cocktail books, but back in the day, when the man known as King Cocktail was spearheading the cocktail rebirth, he ran the bar at New York’s famed Rainbow Room. It was a glorious time when you could do what came naturally and light up in such drinking palaces. In 1995, DeGroff hosted an event there marking the debut of a new, luxurious cigar from Arturo Fuente. It made an impression on him, and today that cigar—the Fuente Fuente OpusX—remains his favorite.

DeGroff now does much of his smoking on the porch of a bocce club in Rhode Island, the sometimes home of the peripatetic bar man. “It’s a perfect place to unwind and with a big cigar you’re committed for at least an hour.”

DeGroff enjoys cigars with both cocktails and neat drinks. For mixing, he calls out the Oaxacan Old Fashioned in particular. The well-studied bartender describes it as a riff on the original formula for a cocktail (spirits, sugar, water and bitters). Instead of the typical whiskey, it has Tequila as the base spirit, with a touch of smoky mezcal as a floater. When pairing with unadulterated spirits, he looks to single-malt Scotch, or his own DeGroff New World Amaro.

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关键词: 雪茄