负责运营和营销工作的副总监亚历杭德罗·费尔南德斯·布兰科·巴雷罗(Alejandro Fernández-Blanco Barrero)在面对媒体时表示,去年哈伯纳斯公司的营业收入为8.27亿美元,较2023年的7.21亿美元增长了14.7%。这个营收对于哈伯纳斯公司来说也是创纪录的一次。
具体一共生产了多少支雪茄,哈伯纳斯公司没有披露。尽管有几家媒体都提到了关于生产的问题,但高管们没有详细说明古巴2024年的雪茄年产量。分管商业的副总裁豪尔赫·佩雷斯·马特尔(Jorge Pérez Martell)只是表示,客户的需求没有得到充分的满足。
Executives from Habanos S.A., the Cuban company that oversees the country’s cigar operations and worldwide distribution, reported record sales on Monday morning as they welcomed the global press to the start of the Habanos Festival. The company reported revenues of $827 million, up 14.7 percent over the $721 million it reported in 2023.
“This has been record earnings for our organization,” said Alejandro Fernández-Blanco Barrero, deputy director of operational marketing for Habanos, as he spoke at the podium.
Cuba made no mention of production numbers. Several questions on production were brought up by various members of the press, but Habanos executives would not elaborate on just how many cigars they were making. For many years, demand for Cuban cigars has far outstripped supply. “The demand of our clients are not fully covered,” acknowledged commercial vice president Jorge Pérez Martell.
Cuban cigars have become extremely more expensive in recent years—particularly for the Cohiba and Trinidad brands—which is reflected in the higher revenue numbers. “The most important income source has been on high-end products,” said Pérez Martell.
Ranked by dollar volume, China remains the No. 1 market for Cuban cigars, accounting for 27 percent of revenues. Spain ranks No. 2, followed by Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Germany. The U.K. market supplanted Germany this year; in 2023 Germany ranked fourth.
By region, Europe remained Cuba’s biggest source of Cuban cigar sales, accounting for just over half (54 percent) of total sales by value, followed by Asia Pacific (24 percent). Due to the longstanding embargo, sales of Cuban cigars to the United States are prohibited by law.