

这是一款具有历史意义的产品。20世纪40年代,瑞士雪茄零售商季诺·大卫杜夫(Zino Davidoff)创立了古巴好友城堡系列(Hoyo de Monterrey Château Series),这个系列的每一款使用了最负盛名的波尔多葡萄酒的名字。到了20世纪60年代,古巴允许使用大卫杜夫自己的名字,好友的城堡系列从此改名为大卫杜夫城堡系列。像这样非常个性化的项目在古巴是非常罕见的。古巴为大卫杜夫生产雪茄的事业没有坚持下去,1991年项目结束。这款雪茄陈化的非常好,抽起来非常甜美,带有明显的肉桂、肉豆蔻味,回味悠长。品鉴人是《Cigar Aficionado》杂志社的老板马文·尚肯。这款茄评分95分。

There’s historical importance to this cigar. In the 1940s, Swiss retailer Zino Davidoff started the Cuban Hoyo de Monterrey Château Series, which leveraged the names of the most prestigious Bordeaux wines. By the 1960s, Davidoff was granted permission to use his name, so the Hoyo Château Series became the Davidoff Château Series. Personalized projects like this were quite rare, and Cuban Davidoffs didn’t last. They were discontinued in 1991, but they age beautifully. These Latours in particular have a luscious draw with a pronounced cinnamon and nutmeg quality that lasts on the finish. Truly delicious. —Marvin R. Shanken

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关键词: 烟草