王冠雪茄发布新品La Vereda


王冠雪茄有史以来价格最昂贵的一个新产品线很快将与消费者见面,这个名为La Vereda(真理)的系列是委托埃内斯托·佩雷斯·卡里略在多米尼加共和国卷制的,这个项目前后研发了一年多,刚在美国PCA贸易展上展出,预计8月份发货给零售商。


研发过程中胡贝尔经历了一些事情,使得La Vereda系列与我们看见王冠雪茄之前发布的产品系列有一些不同,包括之前王冠雪茄公司喜欢使用更粗的口径以及更华丽的外包装,在La Vereda这个系列里,胡贝尔更重视烟叶本身。

胡贝尔起初的目标是将这个系列的口味做的比较辣口,有点像卡里略早期生产的一款雪茄El Rico Habano(丰富哈瓦那)。但是在研发烟叶混合过程中,出现了好几次调整,口味变得更精致、复杂和细致入微,强度也从中等变成了饱满。这个系列的茄衣是尼加拉瓜的贾拉帕地区种植的阴植叶,胡贝尔说烟叶已经发酵了四年了,茄套也是尼加拉瓜的贾拉帕地区种植的烟叶,茄芯是尼加拉瓜、多米尼加的混合烟叶。



王冠雪茄这次不想使用粗口径的款式,但是卡里略还是蛮喜欢大口径。胡贝尔说,卡里略认为最后研发的烟叶混合如果放在粗口径雪茄里表现会更好。埃内斯托·佩雷斯·卡里略为王冠雪茄代工生产了很多雪茄,包括“四踢”(Four Kicks)。

La Vereda这个品牌的词汇来自一首古巴歌曲《De Camino a La Vereda》,歌曲的含义是坚持自己的道路。卡里略经常弹奏这个曲子。


A new smoke called La Vereda from Crowned Heads is going to be heading to cigar shops soon. The brand has been more than a year in the making and it will be the most expensive cigar ever released by Crowned Heads. La Vereda is being rolled in the Dominican Republic by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo.

“It’s something I feel really special about,” says Jon Huber of Crowned Heads. “We started working on this in March 2022.”

Huber went through several other things that make La Vereda different from previous Crowned Heads releases, including fatter sizes than we are used to seeing from the company and more ornate packaging. Huber is most interested in the tobacco. 

Huber was originally aiming for something extra spicy. “Something like El Rico Habano,” he says, referencing one of Perez-Carrillo’s older brands. But the blend changed several times during development, becoming “more refined, more complex and more nuanced,” and medium to full in body. La Vereda is made with shade-grown wrapper from the Jalapa region of Nicaragua (Huber says it’s four years old), a Jalapa binder and a mix of fillers from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.

There are four sizes in the brand, all of them parejos, with suggested retail prices ranging from $18.40 to nearly $22. Each is named for their ring gauges. The No. 50 measures 5 3/8 inches long by 50 ring and retails for $18.40; No. 52 is 6 1/2 inches long ($19.60); No. 54 is $20.60 and measures 5 5/8 inches in length; and the No. 56 is 6 1/4 by 56, with a price tag of $21.80. There are 20 cigars in each box.

Crowned Heads tends to shy away from fatter cigars, but Perez-Carrillo (who makes Inch) is a big believer in them. “He said this blend speaks louder in the larger ring gauges,” says Huber. Perez-Carrillo makes a number of cigars for Crowned Heads, including Four Kicks.

The name La Vereda comes from a song called “De Camino a La Vereda” by the Cuban band Buena Vista Social Club, which Perez-Carrillo would often play around Huber. The moral of the story in that tune, says Huber, is to stay on your path.

The new cigar was previewed at the PCA trade show, which just concluded. Shipments are expected to commence in August.


关键词: 雪茄