埃内斯托·佩雷斯·卡里略(Ernesto Perez Carrillo)的这款爱国主义雪茄融合了他两个最知名的雪茄产品线:誓约、忠诚。这款雪茄是限量版,茄衣是康涅狄格阔叶烟叶,茄芯包含了美国、多米尼加、尼加拉瓜的烟叶,茄套是厄瓜多尔种植的康涅狄格烟叶。包装盒富有光泽,深蓝色的漆面,每盒10支包装,零售价是每支20美元,限量发售1776盒。下面的视频展示了拆盒的过程,向你展示这款雪茄是什么样的。在美国的某些雪茄零售店你可以买到这款雪茄
This patriotic cigar from Ernesto Perez-Carrillo combines the names of two of his most high-profile (and highly rated) brands, Pledge and Allegiance. It’s a limited-edition smoke that’s proud of its American roots, with a Connecticut broadleaf wrapper, a three-country filler blend that includes some tobacco from the United States (along with Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos) and a Connecticut-seed binder grown in Ecuador. The boxes are a glossy, rich, dark blue, with numbers that are applied by hand. These $20 smokes are packed 10 to the box, and limited to 1,776 boxes. We got a hold of a box to show you what it looks like on the inside. They are in limited cigar stores now.