多数古巴的地区限量版是粗口径雪茄,但是这次发布的西班牙地区限量版却反其道而行。下周,利比里亚半岛的雪茄零售商们将收到一款古巴的西班牙地区限量版新款,这款波尔拉腊尼亚加(Por Larrañaga)雪茄专为西班牙市场创作,42环径,6.125英寸,皇冠型号。和高希霸世纪3、蒙特铝管的尺寸一样。
和许多古巴新茄一样,这款雪茄供货时间相当慢。原来计划是2021年上市的,晚了两年才投放市场。哈伯纳斯公司在西班牙地区的授权经销商Tabacalera S.L.U.负责这款新品的销售工作。
Most new Cuban cigars, especially Regional Editions, are considerably fat, but Spain is going in the opposite direction. Next week, retailers around the Iberian country will be receiving the Por Larrañaga Leones, a long, slim corona that’s the same size as the Cohiba Siglo III and the Montecristo Tubos.
Made exclusively for the Spanish market, the Por Larrañaga Leones measures 6 1/8 inches by 42 ring gauge and will retail for 18 euros each (about $19.30) or 180 euros per 10-count box, which works out to around $193. Only 50,000 boxes are being produced.
Like many Cuban releases, this cigar comes late, as the Por Larrañaga Leones were supposed to have launched in 2021. They are distributed by Tabacalera S.L.U., Spain’s official Habanos importer.