

为了纪念佛罗里达州之父亨利·弗拉格勒(Henry Flagler),雪茄盒制造商丹尼尔·马歇尔( Daniel Marshall)推出了一款复刻版的雪茄保湿盒。这些雪茄盒一共生产了10个,长12英寸,宽7英寸,高6英寸。每一个雪茄盒售价是2995美元。

无论你是否熟悉亨利·弗拉格勒这个名字,你的生活很可能受到这位商人成就的影响。亨利·弗拉格勒联合约翰·洛克菲勒创建了标准石油公司(Standard Oil),开发了迈阿密、棕榈滩等城市,修建了佛罗里达东海岸铁路,他是镀金时代(Gilded Age)的一位极具影响力的人物。



为了纪念这位人物,棕榈滩的亨利·弗拉格勒博物馆(Henry Flagler Museum)委托雪茄盒制造商丹尼尔·马歇尔重新制作了弗拉格勒的蒂芙尼雪茄盒。




亨利·弗拉格勒博物馆本月早些时候在棕榈滩游艇展上举办了一次庆祝活动,庆祝复刻版雪茄盒的发行。大概125名嘉宾出席了发布会,其中包括物馆馆长凯莉·霍普金斯·弗拉格勒(Kelly Hopkins Flagler),她是亨利·弗拉格勒的曾曾孙女(great-great granddaughter)。

Daniel Marshall has built a humidor in honor of the man who built South Florida. Whether the name Henry Flagler is familiar or not, chances are your life has been impacted by the businessman’s accomplishments. The American industrialist—known for starting petroleum giant Standard Oil, founding cities like Miami and Palm Beach and creating the Florida East Coast Railway—was an immensely powerful figure of the Gilded Age. He also had a passion for both cigars and yachts. To honor this legacy, the Henry Flagler Museum in Palm Beach commissioned humidor maker Daniel Marshall to recreate Flagler’s Tiffany & Co. humidor, originally gifted to him by the New York Yacht Club. 

Presented to Flagler more than a century ago, the humidor served as a token of appreciation from the Club after Flagler granted use of his yacht, Alicia, as the committee boat for the 1895 America’s Cup Race. The Americans went on to defend the Cup by defeating the British. 

Like the original, the reproduction humidor is made of mahogany, with the top adorned with a sterling silver plaque engraved with Flagler’s initials as well as several sterling silver pins depicting yachting flags, including the New York Yacht Club’s signature flag. 

Reproducing this humidor seemed a perfect fit for Daniel Marshall, as the craftsman has been making humidors for 40 years. Marshall cut his teeth in woodworking by building boats at a young age, leading to a passion for the sea and cigars that the humidor maker shares with Flagler. 

To celebrate this project, the Henry Flagler Museum hosted a launch party earlier this month on a yacht at the Palm Beach Boat Show. More than 125 guests attended, including Henry Flagler’s great-great granddaughter and museum president, Kelly Hopkins Flagler. 

“It is an honor for me to share in the celebration of such an important American in Henry Flagler and Florida history by recreating his personal Tiffany humidor,” said Marshall.

Only 10 of these limited-edition, reproduction humidors are available for purchase. The humidors measure 12 inches long by 7 inches wide and 6 inches tall. They are made in Daniel Marshall’s California studio and retail for $2,995 each.


关键词: 雪茄