


这款玻利瓦尔52环径,5.125英寸,这个尺寸在古巴雪茄厂被称为 Discretos(谨慎)。雪茄装在深色油漆的滑盖木盒里,每盒25支装。英国将是第一个收到这款限量版雪茄的国家。目前还不得知其他国家和地区何时可以收到配货,也不知道售价是多少。








Big Ben and Parliament not enough to get you to London? How about the new Bolivar Regentes Edición Limitada 2021? More than two years late, the third and last Cuban Edición Limitada for 2021 is finally being launched in London next month. On February 7, the Bolivar Regentes will be unveiled during a world premiere party at Boisedale of Canary Wharf. The event was organized by Habanos S.A. and U.K. Habanos distributor Hunters & Frankau Ltd. 

Measuring 5 1/8 inches by 52 ring gauge (known as Discretos in Cuban cigar factories), the Bolivar Regentes come packaged in darkly painted, slide-lid boxes of 25. The United Kingdom will be the first market to have the cigar with other countries following throughout the year. There’s no word on exactly when the rest of the world will get the new Bolivars, nor how much they’re going to cost, but the cigars will most likely stagger into global markets throughout this year. 

Since 2020, Habanos has struggled to get its cigars to market on time. In the past, Edición Limitadas were announced early in the year and shipped to retail by the fall. All that has changed. The Cohiba 55 Aniversario Edición Limitada 2021 came a year late when it launched in 2022. Last year, the Hoyo de Monterrey Monterreyes No. 4 Edición Limitada 2021 launched in Bulgaria before its worldwide release. This year, the Bolivar will appear latest of all. 

So far, Habanos has yet to announce any Edición Limitadas for 2022 or 2023. 

As the name suggests, Edición Limitadas are limited-edition Cuban cigars released annually by Habanos in unique sizes and darker-than-normal wrappers. There are typically three for each year, though there have been as many as five (2003) and as little as one (2020) since the program started in 2000. 


关键词: 雪茄