

当我们说到百加得(Bacardi)朗姆酒时,你可能会想到波多黎各。因为20世纪60年代以来,百加得公司的大部分旗舰产品都是在波多黎各生产的。但是,你要知道,在1959年百加得公司被古巴革命后的新政府国有化以前,一直是古巴的企业。唐·法昆多·百加得·马索(Don Facundo Bacardí Massó)于1862年2月4日在古巴的圣地亚哥创立。因此,公司现任老板法昆多·L·百加得(Facundo L. Bacardi)最喜欢的雪茄是20世纪50年代以前,也就是卡斯特罗执政前的蒙特2号,就不足为奇了。



When you think of Bacardi rum, you think of Puerto Rico as that’s where the bulk of the company’s flagship brand has been made since the 1960s. But Bacardi had an even longer history as a Cuban distiller before its holdings were nationalized following the 1959 communist revolution. So it’s no surprise that Facundo L. Bacardi’s favorite cigar is a pre-Castro Montecristo No. 2 from the 1950s.

The current chairman is the namesake of Don Facundo Bacardi Massó, his great-great grandfather, who founded the world’s largest family-owned spirits company in Santiago de Cuba in 1862. The aim was to “tame” what was then considered a very raw liquor. The younger Facundo, who took the reins in 2005, has not forgotten the family’s Cuban roots even while the company has grown exponentially and spread across the globe. He took a hands-on role in the introduction of the four-part, ultra-premium Facundo Rum Collection for the company’s 150th anniversary. The intention was to share rums that the family has been enjoying for years and the packaging was heavily influenced by the family’s Cuban heritage. The chairman’s words echoed the sentiments of his ancestor: “We have the rums that can compete with Cognac and Scotch.”


关键词: 雪茄