Arturo Fuente雪茄品牌在雪茄迷眼里享有很高的聲譽,其中Fuente Fuente Opus X是富恩特家族的一大成就,深受雪茄愛好者的喜愛。所有Arturo Fuente品牌的雪茄都以一流的製作工藝、完美的質地、燃燒均勻且持久,以及優雅的灰燼給人留下深刻印象,再次彰显了該品牌在多米尼加共和國超優質雪茄領域的卓越地位。
【規格:32支/盒;強度:● ● ● ● ●;評分:91】 【品型:托羅;長度:143mm;環徑:46】 風味:這款雪茄帶有豐富的甜味,同時還散發出皮革和土壤的奶油風味。它的口感宜人,融合了肉桂、堅果和雪松的香氣,與略強的泥土氣息相互平衡。一旦點燃,雪茄會釋放出濃郁的煙霧,伴隨着香料、皮革和可可的芬芳香氣。它獨特且精緻的味道會讓您相信一切的努力都是值得的,如此完美的享受,只有來自富恩特家族。 Flavor:This cigar has a rich sweetness, along with a creamy flavor of leather and soil. It is pleasant and incorporates cassia bark, nut and cedar aromas to counterbalance with a slightly stronger earthy flavor. Once lit, the cigar releases rich smoke, accompanied by fragrant notes of spice, leather, and cocoa. Its unique and exquisite flavor will make you believe that all the effort is worthwhile, so perfect enjoyment, only from the Fuant family.