
古巴哈伯纳斯公司(Habanos S.A. )在2020年的虚拟旅游零售博览会上发布了这款特立尼达特级罗伯图型雪茄保湿盒。它于2004年推出,最初作为品牌的常规生产雪茄系列之一,但在2012年停产。
Habanos S.A., a Cuban company, unveiled this Trinidad Super Roberto shaped cigar moisturizer at the 2020 Virtual Tourism Retail Expo. It was launched in 2004 as one of the brand's regular production cigar series, but ceased production in 2012.
规格 : Double T (特级罗伯图型 Robusto Extra)
尺寸 : 6⅛" x 50 RG
浓度 : 中等浓郁度
品享时长 : 60 分钟
限量版 : 全球10,000盒。
Specification: Double T (Super Robusto Extra)
Size: 6 æ "x 50 RG
Concentration: Medium intensity
Enjoy duration: 60 minutes
Limited edition: 10000 boxes worldwide.
其环径较大,适合特别锺情于特立尼达风味的雪茄爱好者。这款雪茄採用双环标&mdash&mdash一个是该品牌的经典金色环标,另一个金色环标印有"Trinidad Habana - Cuba",贴在雪茄尾部,以区别于以往的常规版本。雪茄盒典雅而实用,以优质木材制成,像被棕色烟叶包裹,质感如麂皮般柔软。配有湿度计和加湿器,从而使雪茄保持在最佳状态。
Its ring diameter is relatively large, making it suitable for cigar enthusiasts who are particularly fond of Trinidad flavor. This cigar features a double ring emblem - one is the brand's classic gold ring emblem, and the other gold ring emblem is printed with "Trinidad Habana - Cuba" and affixed to the tail of the cigar to distinguish it from previous regular versions. The cigar box is elegant and practical, made of high-quality wood and wrapped in brown tobacco leaves, with a texture as soft as suede. Equipped with a hygrometer and humidifier to keep the cigar in optimal condition.

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出来|Cafe and Bar
营业时间:周一、三、四 12:00至00:00 | 周五、六、日 12:00至02:00
Guangzhou region
Come out | Cafe and Bar
Address: First Floor, No. 3 Second Lane, Siyou North Second Street, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou (opposite Dongxing Market, Dongxing South Road)
Business hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 12:00 to 00:00 | Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 12:00 to 02:00
Every Tuesday is a day off


关键词: 雪茄